Founder and Trainer
From my journey, to yours: My life has been one big yo-yo when it comes to fitness and health. In my early youth I was an overweight (probably obese) child. By the time high school came around I decided it was time for a change. I did all the research I could and developed various fitness programs for myself throughout high school. Though I never competed in sports, I certainly became athletic. Since then I did 10 years in the Navy, where the job demands were too much to keep up that athletic physique and health. I became obese again. Why was this so hard? Why couldn't I couple effective fitness and health with the changes and stresses of life? After a few yo-yo and fad diets, and ending up with a health scare in late 2022, I doubled down. I skipped fad diets. I simply ate well. I made my own exercise programs. I forged my path for lifetime fitness. These programs and changes have seen me through getting married, selling a house, and moving, all within a six month period. Having finally found lasting change, it moved me to start helping others to forge their own path. I earned my certification from ISSA as a personal trainer and am currently obtaining two specializations and certification as a nutritionist. With my personal experience, understanding, and empathy, I am determined to help you forge your fitness for life.