Making "Personal Training" Personal

Forging Fitness and Health Through Balanced Activity and Nutrition

Why Forging?
A blacksmith uses many tools to make various pieces of equipment. The most common ones we may think of are the anvil, hammer, and of course the forge itself. There are many more tools, and the forge was not limited to the production of armor (although it was a pretty cool use), but each piece forged had a starting point. Through use of tools, fire, and even cooling, an entirely new item was forged from what was once a simple chunk of metal. 

This is why we choose forging. No matter where you have been and no matter what you have looked like in the past, you are who you are and where you are now, and that is something we take very seriously at Forging Lifetime Fitness. We are not the tools, nor the smith, instead we are there alongside you. You are both the chunk of metal, so to speak, and the smith. 

So where do we come in?
We serve you as a guide. 

A partner and experienced "blacksmith" who not only has the tools, but knows how to use them. Who knows the processes to take you from where you are now to your desired outcome. We share with you the knowledge and the means to reach your goals. 

With Forging Lifetime Fitness you get to forge the fitness and health you want for yourself. Through a personalized fitness routine and nutritional guidance, you will be able to shape and forge the you that you want to be. 

Dare to strike while the iron is hot and schedule a consultation today!

Tyler Straka

Founder and Trainer

From my journey, to yours: My life has been one big yo-yo when it comes to fitness and health. In my early youth I was an overweight (probably obese) child. By the time high school came around I decided it was time for a change. I did all the research I could and developed various fitness programs for myself throughout high school. Though I never competed in sports, I certainly became athletic. Since then I did 10 years in the Navy, where the job demands were too much to keep up that athletic physique and health. I became obese again. Why was this so hard? Why couldn't I couple effective fitness and health with the changes and stresses of life? After a few yo-yo and fad diets, and ending up with a health scare in late 2022, I doubled down. I skipped fad diets. I simply ate well. I made my own exercise programs. I forged my path for lifetime fitness. These programs and changes have seen me through getting married, selling a house, and moving, all within a six month period. Having finally found lasting change, it moved me to start helping others to forge their own path. I earned my certification from ISSA as a personal trainer and am currently obtaining two specializations and certification as a nutritionist. With my personal experience, understanding, and empathy, I am determined to help you forge your fitness for life.

Every journey, regardless of the type, has a starting point. Without a starting point how can we ever determine how far we've gone? Let this consultation be the beginning of a life-long journey. To be what you will look back on in a month, six months, even years from now and say "that is where it all started, that is how I got where I am today"

  • Category: Health and Fitness
  • Service Duration: 30 Minutes
  • Address: Ballston Spa, NY, United States (Map)
  • Price:Free

The consultation is a time for us to get to know each other, to see if you would be willing to take the next step in your fitness journey with us. If you decide on working with us, an assessment will be scheduled as soon as possible.
As to where it's performed, wherever you are comfortable with (within reason of course)! Once the request is sent we will get in contact with you to establish a location with the time you provided.
After the initial assessment, you will receive a personalized fitness program for us to work through together. This will be based on goals and desired outcomes discussed during the initial assessment. Periodically we will reassess to verify progress is being made and goals are being met. Nutritional guidance (but not meal plans) will also be included to help meet your goals.
Rates start at $35 for 45 minutes for individual training, and $70 for small group for 45 minutes. 60 minute sessions are also available. 
I am willing to service anyone looking to forge their own fitness journey, but have a kindred spirit for those who have struggled throughout their life with maintaining health and fitness. Because of my personal experience this includes those who are overweight, or out of shape and don't know where the start line is.
Being based in Ballston Spa, NY, I am willing to travel from Albany to Saratoga Springs, NY and from there to Lake George, NY. Remote/virtual options can be made available as necessary. 
Tough answer.
It depends. Just like anything in life we get out what we put in and it depends on what your desired change is. Realistically though, physiological changes first start to be noticed at about a one month period.
As I transition from a full-time job in the healthcare industry my availability is a bit limited. As time goes on, my page will be updated to a more consistent schedule. 
Payment options will be made available using Zelle, Venmo, Apple Pay, and Cash initially.

Contact me with any questions you may have regarding services.

The Cost of Personal Training in Saratoga Springs, NY: What to Expect

  •  2/28/2025 05:50 PM

A break down of what it costs for a personal trainer in the Saratoga Springs, NY area, including a dive into the factors affecting it and what you should look for in a personal trainer.

Coming Soon!

  •  2/25/2025 12:17 PM

We are excited to start sharing fitness and health information with you soon!